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In life, there is happiness, but there is also pain. Life is full of surprises, and despite not every experience being pleasant, it is what makes it all beautiful, don’t you agree? Finding Freedom and Healing after going through something very painful can be difficult, but always remember that you are never alone, especially in times of struggle. The pain that you feel right now may feel never-ending and unbearable, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

The pain and aches of heartbreak.

With every pain that you receive in this life, you must remind yourself that after that excruciating feeling, something good will come out of it. If the chapter that you are in in your life right now involves a story of leaving a broken marriage, we are here for you because we know better than anyone else how painful the ache or heartbreak can be, especially if it is one where you have spent so many years with someone and have even built a family with them.

A couple sitting on a wooden bench outdoors, surrounded by lush greenery, sharing a quiet and intimate moment in nature.Photo by RDNE Stock project

Alt Text for Image 2: A couple sitting on a wooden bench outdoors, surrounded by lush greenery, sharing a quiet and intimate moment in nature.

The memories that you have with that person may never go away, and we are well aware that that is what makes it the most difficult part. Not only that, but it becomes even more torture if you are like Carol Smith in the book “So You Want To Be A First Lady? Tish Barnhardt’s written work, “So You Want To Be A First Lady?” tells the tale of a woman marrying a pastor.

Carol Smith falls for Minister Leroy Smith, overlooking many things out of pure love; she has no idea what she is getting herself into. Before she knows it, just two years after their marriage, Minister Leroy Smith is called into working full-time ministry at the Lakeside Baptist Church.

Carol would have never thought for a second in her life that she would be marrying a minister or a pastor, but now that she is, she has to find a way to support her husband’s vision and become someone that she thinks she would never become too – the first lady.

As Carol struggles with their deteriorating marriage, she soon quickly finds out that being the first lady is more than what she originally bargained for. Carol finds herself seeing multiple women throwing themselves at her husband, along with the lies and deceitful behavior to top all that off, as they are all determined to take her spot.

Carol has to deal with all that while she also sees that her husband is changing (sadly) not for the better due to power, control, manipulation, and, most of all, greed. Thankfully, Carol Smith is strong enough to decide to turn to God to keep herself sane as she thinks about what decision to make regarding her marriage.

If you are one of the many people who has decided to end things with their partner because it has reached a point where the relationship cannot be saved anymore, we are here for you. With that said, here are important and helpful tips on how to transform life and break free after going through a breakup or divorce. Finding freedom and healing is never easy, but it can be done.

Remind yourself that it is okay to have different feelings.

Remember: You are human. It is perfectly normal to feel angry, sad, frustrated, confused, or tired – and yes, these feelings can be intense at times. Aside from all that, you may even experience anxiety over the future, as you have grown used to a life where your ex-partner was involved. Slowly but surely, you will be able to accept your new life ahead and may even feel excited about it!

You deserve a break.

Give yourself what you deserve in difficult times: Grace. Allow yourself to feel what you truly feel and function a little less than normal. Feelings of loss are more than often overlooked, but it is a pain that goes deep within you that you need to give yourself time to pull it out of yourself. Again, you are human so grieve and take as much time as you need to heal.

Do not struggle alone.

Most people believe that it is embarrassing to admit to people that they are struggling with something or are going through hard times. Hiding all those raw feelings away and keeping them in a jar can cause you to break down in the long run. It is actually braver of you to tell the people around you that this is what you’re going through, so tell a family member, or a friend, or even join a support group!

After everything, we know how bad it feels to feel alone. Find whatever makes you smile, even just for a bit, and hold onto that, especially in these times. Lastly, remember to find hope in life, as it is what keeps us strong, no matter what comes our way.

Begin your journey to finding freedom and healing. Be inspired by Tish Barnhardt’s book, and grab a copy today.

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