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Photo by Nino Sanger

Although abuse happens to everyone, it happens at a much greater rate to women than it does to men. Thus, the threat of it happening is a long shadow that looms always, bringing fear, isolation, and self-doubt. What, then, can women do to assuage themselves?

Humans are naturally social animals. We like to be near each other. It is human to want to be with other humans. We talk to each other. Through speech, we learn how to express our ideas and convey our emotions. It is one of our greatest innovations as a species. We tell each other our experiences and learn from each other. This capacity for communication is the answer. When women share their stories of abuse and how they survived, they not only reveal the hidden underbelly of a male-dominated society. They also inspire others and let them know that there is a light shining at the end of the tunnel.

Photo by Nino Sanger

Breaking the Silence on Abuse

Sadly, the stigma of abuse has always been something that follows women like a vicious ghost. It is the greatest irony that it is almost usually the victim who is punished most, whether it be by the law or by society. For too long, what experiences women have had to endure have been shrouded in secrecy. Too often, women who’ve suffered abuse fear retaliation and humiliation if they speak up. However, women are now beginning to be more vocal about their abuses. While there is still a great hurdle, the truth is beginning to emerge.

By giving voice to their trauma, abuse survivors are reclaiming the narrative. It was not their fault. It was never their fault. Their abuse was because someone wanted to do evil. This is the first step towards healing. This is also a powerful reminder that they are not alone. There are others who understand them. There are others who want to change the world.

Photo by Angela Roma

The Value of the Soapbox: Breaking the Cycle of Shame

The belief that the abused somehow deserve their appalling treatment is itself appalling. No one is responsible for their own trauma. Trauma is something that is forced on people. The idea that people force it on themselves, either unwittingly or not, is absurd–and needs to change. This is where stories come in. By sharing their side of the narrative, abusers challenge the status quo, chipping away at the cycle of shame and telling the world that what happened to them, what is happening to a lot of others, and what will happen “is not okay.” These brave and powerful women are sending a message to other abuse survivors.

They are telling their fellow women, in no uncertain terms, that they are valued and that they deserve the justice that is due to them. There is nothing as filling as having one’s experiences be seen. The world will not hide their pain, and their suffering is real.

The Value of the Soapbox: Inspiring Hope and Resilience

A story of how women triumph over abuse is a powerful thing. More than a testimony, it is a catalyst for change. It is a change for the storytellers themselves, the audience, and society. The power of storytelling is more than the story being told. It is the movement that it generates. And, you must believe, there is movement being generated. Others are being inspired by the stories being told. Those who are trapped in abuse are finding the courage to break free. By speaking out and letting their experiences be known, survivors are letting the world know that society will change for the better. Abuse will no longer be tolerated and must have no place in a civilized world.

The Necessity of Your Stories

The soapbox is a powerful tool. Through it, women can make the world a much better place, not only for themselves but for others as well. The sharing of abuse stories not only empowers women to look beyond their present circumstances. It also helps men who are abused see a new perspective as well. Stories are bridges that cross the gap between our respective experiences; they are the glue that keeps society together.

Tish Barnhardt’s So You Want To Be A First Lady is a story of faith and healing. It is a very powerful read for anyone–not just women–looking to build a new life. This link will help you order a copy now.

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